
The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of BRM and all its subsidiary companies believe that effective and consistent governance of BRM is an essential part of BRM conducting itself in a responsible, legal and ethical manner. Accordingly, the Boards have developed and adopted the following corporate governance policies, referred to as “Code for Good Corporate Governance”, to provide a corporate governance framework for BRM to operate in as a commitment to achieve and maintain an international standard of corporate governance within BRM.

“Code for Good Corporate Governance” is a set of corporate governance policies that are developed and adopted by BRM and its subsudiaries. It shall become the guidance for all BRM business units in determining their policies, systems, procedures and other business activities.

Commissioners, Directors, management and all employees of BRM have a role to play in ensuring that the policies set down in “Code for Good Corporate Governance” are appropriately disseminated and applied to achieve BRM’s vision and mission.